Monday, June 27, 2011

Snap Yo Beans

Today I picked snap beans from the garden outside my little house on the prairie. The little suckers are really hard to pull off the vine. Next time I'll bring scissors; scissors and a face net because flies buzzing around your face while you tug beans off their vines are REALLY annoying. These are the beans right after they were picked:

This is what the beans look like when they're opened up. I'm not sure how snap beans are supposed to be consumed (shelled or de-shelled) but I went ahead and opened them all up in case the shell is not edible.

Twenty minutes later this is what I get:

Let's just say I'm thankful I don't have to rely on my de-shelling skills to make a living


  1. "With most beans, you eat only the seeds, usually after they've been dried. But you can eat snap beans pod and all. Until a century ago, the pods had tough strings that cooks had to pull off before cooking (hence the name "string beans") but the snap beans you'll find in markets today are almost all stringless." I guess you didn't really have to shell them. But they do look delicious!

  2. aw man, all that hard work! good thing the shell is edible. i got some bean juice in my eye when i was popping them open
