Sunday, June 19, 2011

6/15/11 Edible goods

We have so many zucchinis, we don't know what to do with them:

Strawberries have managed to escape the scavenging rodents roaming our yard but they're far from being ripe enough to eat: 

Beans from my aunt in Vietnam (they look so yummy!):
Bean blossoms:

Mong Toi next to the beans:

Mints galore!

Fuzzy squash climbing up its custom-made trellis: 

This is how I climb:

Will you be my friend? 

Snap bean seeds from The Home Depot looking good enough to eat!:

Onion flower:

Tomato forest (can't find the tomatoes anymore):


  1. Do you have any rosemary? We would like to start some in our garden if you can spare a sprig.

  2. We don't have any rosemary in this garden but we had some at our other house. I'll check for you and pass a few sprigs along if we still have them :)
    Let me know if you need any Vietnamese basil or mint! (or beans...they are doing really well)

  3. Sure we could go for some basil and mint. I've been experimenting with different herbs with braising.
