Monday, September 12, 2011

Project Facelift

Everyday I spend 10 minutes staring at the contents of my closet and wishing I had a new wardrobe. Then I pull out an unexciting to top to pair with an even more unexciting bottom and start my day. I really need to go on a good round of shopping (I'm guessing a week's worth will do).

On Sunday afternoon I spent 20 minutes rumaging through my closet looking for inspiration for a new look. Alas, I came up empty handed and cluttered room-ed. I ended up with a drab pairing of a black top with black jeans and realized I had finally had enough. After mass, I headed straight to my room and pulled out a few tops I had not touched in months. I selected a torquoise/teal blue shirt I hadn't worn since 2009 (yes, this should have been donated a long time ago but I have a hard time with letting things go) and decided to see what changes I can come up with to revamp the style.

With TT's help and after 3 hours of tedious trimming, styling, pinning, and hand sewing, I came up with this:

detail of "flowers"
The shirt is still one size too big but I won't be shoving it farther into the closet now that it has a new, more agreeable face. For Christmas I'd like a sewing machine that will thread itself please.


  1. Oooo... very nice revamp :). I want to learn how to sew.

  2. thx Liz, i need to learn how to sew as well. i hope these attachments stay on in the wash
