Monday, April 18, 2011

The Garden Project

 3/17/11: I wandered into Home Depot and came out with lots of seeds and a kit to get them to grow (signs are made from post-its and toothpicks. TT helped a lot, thanks TT!)
 3/22/11: Five days later the sprouts finally start popping out of the peat
 3/30/11: Pea sprouts
 3/31/11: This garden might survive after all

4/2/11: Seedlings are in the ground and doing surprisingly well

Three years ago I took on the ambitious project of planting a vegetable garden (and when I say "I", I mean my dad did all the work and I told him what kind of vegetables I wanted). Harvesting the fruit of my dad's labor was a glorious experience. The tomatoes were plump, sweet, and endless and the zucchinis that were spared by the rabbits and gophers grew to be the size of my forearm.

This year, I'm branching out from tomatoes and zucchinis to include snap beans, peas, onions, jalapenos, cilantro, lettuce, and cantaloupe to the garden. Watch it grow!


  1. That just proves my basil and lavendar plant are failures. Its been in the pot for at least a month and its hardly going anywhere! (Great pictures btw)

  2. Maybe you should start taking some pictures of it. My plants are like me, they thrive on attention :)

  3. It sounds like you'll have everything to make some delicious salsa fresh from the garden! I'm more than willing to turn some of your artful garden delectables into mouth-watering dishes ;)

  4. Awesome Chris! I am more than willing to donate my garden to you in return for mouth-watering dishes
